Greasy Fork

Welcome to Greasy Fork, a site for user scripts.

What are user scripts?

User scripts put you in control of your browsing experience. Once installed, they automatically make the sites you visit better by adding features, making them easier to use, or taking out the annoying bits. The user scripts on Greasy Fork were written by other users and posted to share with the world. They're free to install and easy to use.

Step 1: install a user script manager

Tampermonkey on Chrome

To use user scripts you need to first install a user script manager. Which user script manager you can use depends on which browser you use.

Desktop Mobile (Android) Mobile (iOS)

Step 2: install a user script

A user script's install button

Browse this site to find a user script you want to try. Here is a sample of the most popular scripts:

  • Sci-hub button - Add sci-hub button on article page. Add sci-hub button after article link. Support Google scholar, bing academic and baidu xueshu. Jump CNKI English article to Chinese article.
  • Font Rendering (Customized) - Without MacType, improve browser displaying more textured. "Microsoft Yahei" is used by default. For browser displaying, the script provides advanced features such as font rewriting, smoothing, scaling, stroke, shadow, special style elements, custom monospaced, etc. It can configure by "click Script Manager icon" or "use hotkeys" to call out the setup. The script is already compatible with major browsers and userscript managers, also commonly used Greasemonkey scripts and browser extensions.
  • Greasy Fork++ - Adds various features and improves the Greasy Fork experience
  • Kahoot Auto Answer Bot - A script that automatically answers Kahoot questions correctly.
  • LootDest/Loot-Link (Lootlabs) Bypass - Released - 2/21/2024

Once you've found a user script, click the green install button on the user script's page, and your user script manager will ask you to confirm the install.

Step 3: use the user script

Go to the site the user script affects. It should automatically do its thing. After trying out the user script for a while, go back to where you installed the user script and leave some feedback for the user script's author.